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Discover the second episode "In the Eyes Of", featuring Croatian artist Renata Poljak.

Using a variety of media including photography, installation, film and video, Renata Poljak creates works imbued with strong metaphors, questioning contemporary political, economic and social phenomena. Her videos and installations combine a documentary approach with fictional stagings to address both historical and contemporary migratory processes.

As part of the programme program of cross-Mediterranean residencies Art Explora, Renata Poljak developed her project Songs for the Sea, a work that explores philosophy, science, utopia and mythology around the sea. The project also focuses on ecological issues, through a video installation and a performance highlighting the role of song in Mediterranean myths. By tackling the question of marine organisms such as plankton, his approach extends poetically from the microscopic to the infinitely large.

Discover the artist and his work on video here!

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In The Eyes Of is a series of interviews with artists in Crossed Residencies as part of the Art Explora Festival around the Mediterranean. This programme artistic residency program, initiated by Art Explora Foundation and The Island Club, invites artists from the Mediterranean basin to live and create for a month in one of the itinerant cities. Supported by programme Europe Créative, this project aims to support contemporary creation from a transdisciplinary perspective, and to create a solid, interdependent network of cultural partners throughout the region.

A series produced by PROJETS MEDIA in partnership with the Art Explora Festival