Live programming

Each host city hosts a free, multi-disciplinary festival lasting around ten days. The program takes place on a large stage set up alongside the boat, as well as at emblematic sites and local institutions.

Explore the program

A curatorial collaboration

At each stopover, at Art Explora's invitation, a local curator of international renown develops a cultural program exploring themes directly linked to the local context, in partnership with local institutions, cultural organizations and associations.

Live programming

The lively program includes performances, concerts, lectures, film screenings, dance shows, DJ sets, workshops and meetings on different themes, with a fresh approach at every stage.

Salaheddine Elbouaaichi  

Salaheddine Elbouaaichi 

Adrien Chupeau  

Adrien Chupeau

The workshops

Engaging audiences is a major challenge for the festival, which aims to foster special encounters between art, artists and audiences. Mediation programs are adapted to all audiences, combining human and digital mediation. These include artist-led workshops, awareness-raising activities on contemporary Mediterranean issues, and off-site tours.

Weekend OCean

Ocean Weekends" are organized in each of the festival's host cities. They are part of the program, inviting researchers, scientists and artists to round-table discussions on the theme of the ocean and the climate emergency. The program is rounded out by speeches by inspiring personalities, as well as film screenings and broadcasts of sound works on these themes. The programme is part of the Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), which will be honored in Nice in June 2025 at the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC 3).

Catherine Cattaruzza, I Can't Recall the Edges, 2016 - 2019