Terms of use  

Site address : 

Owner : Art Explora Fondation au capital permanent de 4 millions d'euros Registered with the R.C.S Paris under n° 892 486 671 

With registered office at 9 PLACE DE LA MADELEINE, 75008 Paris 

VAT number : FR28879640399 


Email : 

Publication manager: Léa Forget

Design: Alasta (Product Design Studio)

Development : Scroll (Webflow Agency)

Webmaster : Service numérique Art Explora - 

Host : Webflow 

Privacy policy  

Article 1: Preamble 

This privacy policy applies to the Art Explora website.

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform users of the : 

o How their personal data is collected and processed. Personal data is any data that can be used to identify a user. This includes the user's first and last name, age, postal address, e-mail address, location and IP address;  

o What rights do users have regarding this data?  

o Who is responsible for processing the personal data collected and processed; o To whom this data is transmitted; 

o Eventually, the site's policy on cookies. 

Art Explora affirms its commitment to compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, and undertakes to maintain the security, confidentiality and integrity of its data. 

Art Explora formally undertakes not to sell, rent, exchange or transfer any personal information free of charge.

Article 2: General principles of data collection and processing 

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of site users' data complies with the following principles: 

- Legality, fairness and transparency: data may only be collected and processed with the consent of the user who owns the data. Whenever personal data is collected, the user will be informed that his or her data is being collected and for what purpose; 

- Limited purposes: data collection and processing are carried out to meet one or more of the purposes set out in this privacy policy; - Minimization of data collection and processing: data is kept for a limited period, of which the user is informed. Where this information cannot be provided, the user is informed of the criteria used to determine the retention period;  

- Integrity and confidentiality of data collected and processed: the data controller undertakes to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of the data collected. 

In order to be lawful, and in accordance with the requirements of Article 6 of European Regulation 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data may only take place if they comply with at least one of the conditions listed below:  

- The user has expressly consented to the processing ; 

- The processing is necessary for the proper performance of a contract; 

- The processing is required by law;  

- The processing is necessary in order to safeguard the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person;  

- The processing can be explained by a necessity linked to the execution of a mission of public interest or which comes under the public authority;  

- The processing and collection of personal data are necessary for the purposes of the legitimate and private interests pursued by the data controller or by a third party.  

Article 3: Personal data collected and processed when browsing the site  

Data collected and processed and method of collection 

The data collected by the Art Explora website depends on the purpose of the associated processing:  

- Newsletter subscription : the site collects the information needed to authenticate the subscriber, i.e. a surname, first name, country of residence and e-mail address. 

- The volunteer form : the site collects the information required to become a Art Explora Foundation volunteer, i.e. a surname, first name, title, address, zip code and country of residence, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, etc. The form can also be used to register as a volunteer. 

birth, professional situation, missions of interest to the future volunteer, additional comments.  

- Making an online donation : the site collects personal details, postal address and e-mail address. 

- Connection data: connection data is collected in order to guarantee the security and traceability of personal data. This data is also used for site consultation and visit statistics.  

Use of collected data 

The above data is collected in order to : 

- transmit the newsletter; 

- contact potential Foundation volunteers and offer them assignments in line with their interests; 

- enable Internet users to make an online donation to Art Explora Foundation ; - manage donor relations, issue tax receipts and, where applicable, carry out statistical analysis; 

- guarantee the security and traceability of personal data; 

- to compile statistics on site visits. 

Recipients of personal data 

Access to personal data is restricted toArt Explora departments and its subcontractors with whom Art Explora is contractually bound in order to carry out the purpose of the processing. 

Data retention period 

The length of time personal data is kept varies according to the purposes for which it is processed: 

- Creation of a personal e-learning account: your personal data is kept for 3 years (36 months) after the last connection. 

- Recording of subscriber progress: your personal data is kept for 3 years (36 months) after the last connection. 

- Making an online donation: in accordance with article L. 102 E of the French tax code, your personal data is kept for 6 years after the last donation. 

- Newsletter subscription Art Explora : your personal data will be kept indefinitely after your subscription. You can unsubscribe by following the unsubscribe links on each newsletter or by writing to the following e-mail address: 

- Connection data: personal connection data is kept for 3 years (36 months). 

- Cookies: cookies are stored for a maximum of 13 months from the date of your consent.

Data hosting  

The Art Explora website is hosted by Webflow

Data security 

Art Explora is particularly concerned about the personal data we collect and process. These operations are carried out in a secure manner. 

The site has an SSL certificate to guarantee that information and data transfer via the site is secure. 

An SSL certificate ("Secure Socket Layer" Certificate) secures the data exchanged between the user and the site. 

Article 4: Data controller

The person responsible for processing personal data is the Art Explora Digital Service. 

He can be contacted as follows: 

Obligations of the data controller 

The data controller undertakes to protect the personal data collected, not to pass it on to third parties without the user's knowledge, and to respect the purposes for which the data was collected.  

In the event that the integrity, confidentiality or security of personal data is compromised, the data controller undertakes to inform the user by any means necessary.  

Article 5: User rights  

In accordance with the regulations concerning the processing of personal data, the user has the rights listed below. 

In order for the data controller to comply with your request, you must provide us with your first and last name and e-mail address. 

The data controller is obliged to respond to the user within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days.

A. Overview of user rights regarding data collection and processing 

a. Right of access, rectification and deletion 

Users may view, update, modify or request the deletion of their personal data by following the procedure set out below: 

Make an explicit request to the data protection manager. 

b. Right to data portability 

The user has the right to request the portability of his personal data, held by the site, to another site, by complying with the procedure below: 

Make an explicit request to the data protection manager. 

c. Right to limit and object to data processing 

The user has the right to request the limitation of or to object to the processing of his/her data by the site, without the site being able to refuse, unless it can demonstrate the existence of legitimate and overriding reasons, which may prevail over the interests and rights and freedoms of the user. 

In order to request the limitation of the processing of his/her data or to formulate an objection to the processing of his/her data, the user must follow the following procedure: 

Make an explicit request to the data protection manager. 

d. Right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on an automated process 

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, the user has the right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on an automated process if the decision produces legal effects concerning him, or significantly affects him in a similar way. 

e. Right to determine the fate of data after death 

Users are reminded that they can organize what is to become of their collected and processed data if they die, in accordance with law no. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016. 

f. Right of complaint 

If the data controller decides not to respond to the user's request, and the user wishes to contest this decision, or if he believes that one of the rights listed above has been infringed, he is entitled to lodge a complaint with the CNIL. 

It can be submitted online at or by post to the following address: 

Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (French Data Protection Authority) 

3 Place de Fontenoy 

TSA 80715 

75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 

B. Personal data of minors 

In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of European Regulation 2016/679 and the French Data Protection Act, only minors aged 15 or over may consent to the processing of their personal data.

If the user is a minor under the age of 15, the consent of a legal representative will be required before personal data can be collected and processed. 

The site editor reserves the right to verify by any means that the user is over 15 years of age, or that he has obtained the consent of a legal representative before browsing the site. 

Article 6: Use of cookies 

A cookie is a small text file transferred from a web server to your web browser or hard disk when you visit a website. If your web browser is set to accept cookies, they will be stored on the web browser or hard disk until the expiry date has passed or until you delete the cookies yourself. 

Art Explora Foundation and its partners use cookies to process personal data collected from your browser, as described in the cookie policy detailed below. Our partners will collect this data to measure ad performance and personalize ads.

The Art Explora website uses cookies for the following purposes: 

- Audience measurement: to track statistical data on site traffic (information concerning the browser and operating system you are using, the IP address of the device you are using, the web pages you visit). 

- Cookies that are only necessary for the proper functioning of a tool or to enable you to use the services we provide. 

By browsing this site, you consent to the storage of cookies on your browser. 

You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, inform you when a cookie is issued, its validity period and its content, allow you to refuse its storage on your terminal, and delete your cookies periodically. 

If you refuse to save cookies in your browser, you will no longer be able to benefit from the functionalities enabled by these cookies. For example, you will no longer be able to access your private area secured by a memorized password. You'll have to re-enter your password each time you log on. 

Article 7: Conditions for modifying the privacy policy 

The site editor reserves the right to modify this policy in order to ensure its compliance with current legislation. Consequently, users are invited to consult this privacy policy regularly to keep abreast of the latest changes.  

The user is informed that this privacy policy was last updated on 06/05/2021.

Article 8: Acceptance by the user of the privacy policy 

By browsing the site, the user certifies that he/she has read and understood the present privacy policy and accepts its conditions, particularly with regard to the collection and processing of his/her personal data.

Cookie policy of Art Explora

This text informs Users of the technologies that enable Art Explora to achieve the purposes described below. These technologies enable the Owner to access and store information (using a Cookie, for example) or use resources (running a script, for example) on a User's device when the User interacts with Art Explora.

For the sake of simplicity, all these technologies are defined as "Trackers" in this document, unless there is a reason to differentiate between them.
For example, although Cookies can be used on both web and mobile browsers, it would be inaccurate to speak of Cookies in the context of mobile applications, as these are browser-based Trackers. For this reason, in this document, the term Cookies is only used when it is specifically intended to indicate this specific type of Tracker.

Some of the purposes for which Trackers are used may require the User's consent. Where consent is given, it may be freely withdrawn at any time by following the instructions provided in this document.

Art Explora uses Trackers managed directly by the Owner (the so-called "first-party" Trackers) and Trackers that activate services provided by a third party (the so-called "third-party" Trackers). Unless otherwise specified herein, Third Party Providers may access Trackers managed by themselves.
The validity and expiration periods of Cookies and other similar Trackers may vary depending on the lifetime defined by the Owner or the relevant Provider. Some expire at the end of the User's browsing session.
In addition to what is specified in the descriptions of each of the categories below, Users can find more precise and up-to-date information regarding the description on lifetime as well as any other useful information - such as the presence of other Trackers - in the privacy policies of the respective third-party providers, linked, or by contacting the Owner.

Activities strictly necessary for the operation of Art Explora and the provision of the Service

Art Explora uses so-called "technical" Cookies and other similar Trackers to carry out activities that are strictly necessary for the operation or provision of the Service.

Third-party trackers

  • Platform services and hosting

These services host and run the key components of Art Explora, enabling Art Explora to be made available from a unified platform. This type of platform offers a wide range of tools to the Owner - for example: analytics, user registration, comment publishing, database management, e-commerce, payment processing - which involve the collection and handling of Personal Data.
Some of these services operate through geographically dispersed servers, making it difficult to determine the actual location where Personal Data is stored.

Webflow (Webflow, Inc.)

Webflow is a platform offered by Webflow, Inc. that allows the Owner to design, run and host Art Explora. Webflow is highly customizable and can host websites ranging from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms.

Personal data processed : Usage data and Trackers.

Place of processing: United States - Privacy policy - Opt-out.

Other activities involving Trackers

Experience enhancement

Art Explora uses Trackers to provide a personalized user experience by improving the quality of preference management options and enabling interactions with external networks and platforms.

  • Displaying content from external platforms

This type of service allows you to view and interact with content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of Art Explora. If such a service is installed, it may still collect data relating to web page traffic, even if the User does not use it.

YouTube video widget (Google Ireland Limited)

YouTube is a video content viewing service provided by Google Ireland Limited, enabling Art Explora to integrate this type of content into its pages.

Personal data processed : Usage data and Tracker.

Place of processing: Ireland - Privacy policy.

Shelf life :

  • PREF: 8 months
  • VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE: 8 months
  • YSC: session duration

Art Explora uses Trackers to measure traffic and analyze User behavior in order to improve the Service.


The services contained in this section enable the Owner to monitor and analyze Web traffic and track changes in User behavior.

Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"). Google uses the collected Data to track and analyze the use of Art Explora, to prepare reports on its activities and to share them with other Google services. Google may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize ads on its own advertising network.

Personal data processed : Usage data and Tracker.

Place of processing: Ireland - Privacy policy - Opt-out.

Shelf life :

  • AMP_TOKEN: 1 hour
  • 2 years
  • 3 months
  • 1 minute
  • 1 day
Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel) (Meta Platforms, Inc.)

Facebook Ads conversion tracking (Facebook pixel) is an analytics service provided by Meta Platforms, Inc, that links Meta ad network data to actions taken on Art Explora. The Facebook pixel tracks conversions that can be attributed to ads on Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network.

Personal data processed : Usage data and Trackers.

Place of processing: United States - Privacy policy.

Shelf life :

  • 3 months
  • fr: 3 months
Meta Events Manager (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)

Meta Events Manager is an analytics service provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited. By integrating the Meta pixel, Meta Events Manager can provide the Owner with a measure of audience and traffic on Art Explora.

Personal data processed : Usage data and Trackers.

Place of processing: Ireland - Privacy policy.

Shelf life :

  • 3 months
Conversion tracking from Google Ads (Google LLC)

Ads conversion tracking is an analytics service provided by Google LLC, which links data from the Google Ads advertising network to actions taken on Art Explora.

Personal data processed : Usage data and Trackers.

Place of processing: United States - Privacy policy.

Shelf life :

  • IDE: 2 years
  • test_cookie: 15 minutes

How to manage preferences and give or withdraw consent

There are various ways to manage Tracker preferences and to give and withdraw consent, as appropriate:

Users can manage Tracker preferences directly in their own device settings, for example by preventing the use or storage of Trackers.

In addition, whenever the use of Trackers is based on consent, Users may give or withdraw such consent by setting their preferences in the cookie notification, or by updating such preferences accordingly using the appropriate consent preferences widget, if applicable.

It is also possible, via the browser or device features, to delete previously stored Trackers, including those used to remember the User's initial consent.

Other Trackers in the browser's local memory can be deleted by deleting the browsing history.

In the case of third-party Trackers, Users may manage preferences and withdraw consent via the associated opt-out link (where applicable), using the means indicated in the third party's privacy policy or by contacting the third party.

Access to Tracker settings

Users can, for example, find information on how to manage Cookies in the most commonly used browsers at the following addresses:

Users can also manage certain categories of Trackers used on mobile applications by disabling the appropriate device settings, such as device advertising settings for mobile devices or tracking settings in general (Users can open the device settings and search for the appropriate setting).

Consequences of refusing consent

Users are free to give or withhold their consent. However, it should be noted that Trackers enable Art Explora to provide Users with a better experience and advanced functionalities (in accordance with the purposes described herein). Consequently, without the User's consent, the Owner may not be able to provide the related functionalities.

Owner and data controller

Art Explora
75001 Paris

Owner's contact email:

As the use of Trackers by Art Explora cannot be fully controlled by the Owner, any specific reference to third-party Trackers is for information purposes only. For complete information, Users are invited to consult the privacy policies of the third-party services indicated herein.

Given the objective complexity of tracking technologies, Users are invited to contact the Owner if they wish to receive further information on the use of these technologies by Art Explora.

Definitions and legal references

Personal data (or Data)

Any information which, directly, indirectly or in conjunction with other information - including a personal identification number - enables a natural person to be identified or identified.

Usage data

Information collected automatically by Art Explora (or by third-party services employed by Art Explora), which may include the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by Users who use Art Explora, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server's response (favorable result, error, etc.), the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the User, various details relating to the time per visit (e.g. time spent on each page in the Application) and various details relating to the time per visit (e.g. time spent on each page in the Application).), the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the User, various details relating to the time per visit (e.g. time spent on each page in the Application) and details relating to the path followed in the Application with special reference to the sequence of pages visited, and other parameters relating to the User's operating system or computer environment.


The person using Art Explora which, unless otherwise indicated, corresponds to the Person concerned.

Person concerned

The natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.

Subcontractor (or Data Controller)

The natural or legal person, public authority, institution or any other body that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller, as described in this privacy policy.

Data controller (or owner)

The natural or legal person, public authority, institution or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data, including security measures relating to the operation and use of Art Explora. Unless otherwise specified, the Data Controller is the Owner of Art Explora.

Art Explora (or this Application)

The means by which the User's Personal Data is collected and processed.


The service provided by Art Explora as described in the relevant terms and conditions (if any) and on this site/application.

European Union (or EU)

Unless otherwise indicated, all references in this document to the European Union include all current member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area.


Cookies are small sets of data stored in the User's browser.


A Tracker refers to any technology - for example, Cookies, unique identifiers, web beacons, embedded scripts, electronic tags and fingerprints - that enables the tracking of Users, for example by accessing or storing information on the User's device.

Legal information

This privacy policy has been prepared in compliance with the provisions of several pieces of legislation, in particular Article 13/14 of European Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation).

This privacy policy applies only to Art Explora, unless otherwise indicated in this document.