For the museum boat and virtual reality pavilion, if online reservations are full, come directly to the site to access them without reservation (subject to availability)!","","The lively program is designed in collaboration with Martha Kirszenbaum curator of the Marseilles stage, as well as numerous local players.","Public","Teenagers","Children","Associations","School","All audiences ","Activities","Installation","Out of doors","DJ Set","Ocean Weekend","Workshop","Dance","Cinema","Museum boat","Conference","Concert","Exhibition","Performance","Thank you! Your submission has been received!","Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.","","Category","No items found.","1","No results found.","There are no results for these criteria. Try changing your search","Past events",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2500w","06","Jun","","18","Aboard the museum boat","","Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France","","6/6/24"," - ","18/6/24","","Monday to Friday: 14:00 to 19:30, weekends: 10:00 to 19:30","If online reservations are fully booked, you can come directly to the event without a reservation (subject to availability)!","Discover 2 experiences on board: \"Presents\", the immersive exhibition with the exceptional collaboration of the Louvre Museum as well as the sound journey in the Mediterranean created by Ircam x Centre Pompidou. Sail by Laure Prouvost. ","2024-06-06","2024-06-18","See more ","","Pavillon Central","Under The Azure","10:00am","8:20pm","Under the Azure is an exhibition paying tribute to the Mediterranean Sea, to the imagery it evokes, to the awe it inspires, and to the ancient and contemporary myths associated with it.","","Photo Pavilion","Photography","Undertow","10:00am ","This exhibition explores the Mediterranean in the context of migration and exile, highlighting the work of emerging photographers from the region.",""," 500w, 800w, 1000w","31","Jul","Cultural tour: Stamping card game for young audiences","Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille France","31/7/24","Take part in the Art Explora children's competition and its 13 partner venues! Collect as many stamps as you can by visiting each of the Festival's partner cultural venues from June 6 to July 31, 2024.","2024-07-31","","Virtual Reality Pavilion","Journey through time and space","10:00 à 20:20","Discover recent virtual reality creations connected to the themes of the Art Explora Festival: heritage, art culture, migrations... ",""," 500w, 1000w","Opening day","4:30pm","00:00","Opening day of the Art Explora Festival in Marseille. At programme : official speeches, dancing, concerts and DJ set... Reservations are full, but access will be possible on site depending on capacity.","Next","1 / 15","Art Explora Festival","The Art Explora Festival is an itinerant festival that travels the world's seas and oceans with its museum ship, offering innovative artistic and cultural experiences free of charge. From spring 2024 to autumn 2026, the festival will travel to 15 Mediterranean countries for its first tour. In Marseilles, the festival has been approved as part of the programme Cultural Olympiad, an IOC initiative designed to highlight events with shared values between sport and culture.","Learn more",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 5292w","Practical information","","Opening hours","Le bateau-musée (Reservations required): Thursday June 6: 19:00 to 23:30; Monday to Friday: 14:00 to 19:30, weekends and Friday June 7: 10:00 to 19:30. Central and Photo Pavilions (free access subject to availability): Monday to Friday, 1:00 pm to 8:20 pm; weekends and Friday, June 7: 10:00 am to 8:20 pm. VR pavilion: same opening hours as central and photo pavilions, but booking is essential.","","Address","","Accessibility","The Festival site is equipped to accommodate people with reduced mobility. Wheelchairs for the sick or disabled are allowed inside the Pavilions and on board the boat. The boat is equipped with a 1m wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.","","Safety","","Visiting time","","Visit itinerary","","Visitors' Charter","VILLAGE MAP","",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2501w","Download the PLAN","AEFI-MAP","","Next step: ","","Durrës, Albania (April 10-21)","Next steps","See the town agenda","Resources","See all","","",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 5472w","","Video","Festival Art Explora - Highlights from Marseille","","Art Explora","IN THE EYES OF: BACHIR TAYACHI - EP.3",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1842w","Mediterranean Crossed residencies","The voices of Marseille","","Mediterranean","Podcast","Marseille Voices","Radio Grenouille","Exhibition booklet UNDERTOW",""," 500w, 800w, 868w","Visit booklet","","Under The Azure exhibition booklet",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 4435w","Women artists","Women in the Mediterranean","E-learning","Present: works from the immersive exhibition","The French coastline at risk from erosion and flooding",""," 500w, 641w","Seas & oceans","Educational booklet","Surfrider Foundation Europe","Guestbook","A timeless moment on a magnificent boat. A beautiful alliance of art and the sea. An ode to the Mediterranean.","Ponita",", ","It was a great experience, and the volunteers were very welcoming. My daughters really enjoyed traveling through time in virtual reality. It's a pity there isn't a helmet suitable for smaller children without a controller. My 6-year-old son was unable to enjoy it. Fortunately, the organizers were nice and kept an eye on him while I was able to enjoy the experience. Thanks for the experience, I hope it will be repeated.","Dadou13","Great cultural experience on this magnificent catamaran. Very well organized, with very friendly guides. I was delighted to rediscover the sounds of the Mediterranean. Thank you for this wonderful experience, which is within everyone's reach. Too bad for the colleagues who couldn't get a place... the price of fame.","C.","Very interesting visit to the museum boat, exhibition and virtual reality! Perfect welcome and great availability of volunteers and staff. Excellent visit! See you next year?","Vince","I took the 'Learn to film with your smartphone' workshop. Great workshop, I learned a lot. Thanks to Mouezi for this experience.","V.","This festival is simply brilliant - I suggest it becomes a regular thing! Thank you for sharing and bringing us new knowledge. ","Houd","Animation with the virtual reality headset is astounding: you'll discover monuments and landscapes of perfect reality!","LaMarseillaise","Wonderful trip, I loved the audio experience. Bravo to the teams! And since I'd never been there before, the fact that it was free was a key factor.","Janine","A unique and accessible experience. A very pleasant moment of total immersion and zen.","Manutania","A wonderful aural and visual experience, with poetic themes... and what a magnificent catamaran! Thank you for making this festival accessible to all!","Sam","The catamaran is wonderful, and the crew is helpful. An amazing experience, especially in the VR tunnel where you can see the light show. The immersive headphones provided English audio, so I felt included.","EdinburghBoy","A fabulous experience from start to finish. The visit was extraordinary, and I really liked the immersion in the Louvre exhibition. We had chills down our spines. Bravo for this brilliant idea! The boat is magnificent and the team top-notch 😍.","Hbela","Partners","Become a partner","",""," 500w, 800w, 1200w","","","","","","","","",""," 500w, 800w, 900w",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1173w","","","","",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1536w","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1174w",""," 500w, 800w","","","","","","facebook","","","twitter","","","instagram","","","tiktok","","","youtube","","","Make a donation","","Visit Art Explora Foundation The news Press room Our partners They talk about us ","Guestbook Newsletter Contact FAQ ","Plan your visit","Tickets coming soon","Get involved","Newsletter","Subscribe to the newsletter","Art Explora Newsletter\n","Subscribe to the monthly Art Explora newsletter to get the latest news on our projects! ","Volunteers art explora",""," 500w, 1232w","First name","Surname","Country","FRANCE","AFGHANISTAN","\nSOUTH AFRICA","\nALBANIA","\nALGERIA","\nGERMANY","\nANDORRA","\nANGOLA","\nANTIGUA AND BARBUDA","\nSAUDI ARABIA","\nARGENTINA","\nARMENIA","\nAUSTRALIA","\nAUSTRIA","\nAZERBAIDJAN","\nBAHAMAS","\nBAHRAIN","\nBANGLADESH","\nBARBADE","\nBELGIUM","\nBELIZE","\nBHUTAN","\nBIELORUSSIA","\nBURMA","\nBOLIVIA","\nBOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA","\nBOTSWANA","\nBRAZIL","\nBRUNEI","\nBULGARIA","\nBURKINA","\nBURUNDI","\nCAMBODIA","\nCAMEROON","\nCANADA","\nCAPE VERDE","\nCHILE","\nCHINA","\nCYPRUS","\nCOLOMBIA","\nCOMOROS","\nCONGO","\nCOOK ISLANDS","\nNORTH KOREA","\nSOUTH KOREA","\nCOSTA RICA","\nIVORY COAST","\nCROATIA","\nCUBA","\nDENMARK","\nDJIBOUTI","\nDOMINIQUE","\nEGYPT","\nUNITED ARAB EMIRATES","\nECUADOR","\nERYTHREE","\nSPAIN","\nESTONIA","\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA","\nETHIOPIA","\nFIDJI","\nFINLAND","\nFRANCE","\nGABON","\nGAMBIA","\nGEORGIA","\nGHANA","\nGREECE","\nGRENADA","\nGROENLAND","\nGUATEMALA","\nGUINEA","\nGUINEA BISSAU","\nEQUATORIAL GUINEA","\nGUYANA","\nHAITI","\nHONDURAS","\nHONG-KONG","\nHUNGARY","\nHONK-KONG","\nINDIA","\nINDONESIA","\nIRAQ","\nIRAN","\nIRELAND","\nICELAND","\nISRAEL","\nITALY","\nJAMAICA","\nJAPAN","\nJORDAN","\nKAZAKHSTAN","\nKENYA","\nKIRGHIZISTAN","\nKIRIBATI","\nKOSOVO","\nKOWEIT","\nLAOS","\nLESOTHO","\nLATVIA","\nLEBANON","\nLIBERIA","\nLIBYA","\nLIECHTENSTEIN","\nLITHUANIA","\nLUXEMBOURG","\nNorthern Macedonia","\nMADAGASCAR","\nMALAYSIA","\nMALAWI","\nMALDIVES","\nMALI","\nMALTA","\nMOROCCO","\nMARSHALL ISLANDS","\nMAURICE","\nMAURITANIA","\nMEXICO","\nMICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF)","\nMOLDAVIA","\nMONACO","\nMONGOLIA","\nMONTENEGRO","\nMOZAMBIQUE","\nNAMIBIA","\nNAURU","\nNEPAL","\nNICARAGUA","\nNIGER","\nNIGERIA","\nNIUE","\nNORWAY","\nNEW ZEALAND","\nOMAN","\nUGANDA","\nUZBEKISTAN","\nPAKISTAN","\nPALAOS","\nPALESTINE","\nPANAMA","\nPAPUA NEW GUINEA","\nPARAGUAY","\nNETHERLANDS","\nPERU","\nPHILIPPINES","\nPOLAND","\nPORTO RICO","\nPORTUGAL","\nQATAR","\nROMANIA","\nUNITED KINGDOM","\nRUSSIA","\nRWANDA","\nSAINT-CHRISTOPHE-ET-NIEVES","\nSAINTE-LUCIE","\nSAINT-MARIN","\nSAINT-VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES","\nSALOMON","\nSALVADOR","\nSAO TOME AND PRINCIPE","\nSENEGAL","\nSERBIA","\nSeychelles","\nSIERRA-LEONE","\nSINGAPORE","\nSLOVAKIA","\nSLOVENIA","\nSOMALIA","\nSUDAN","\nSRI-LANKA","\nSWEDEN","\nSWITZERLAND","\nSURINAM","\nSWAZILAND","\nSYRIA","\nTADJIKISTAN","\nTAIWAN","\nTANZANIA","\nCHAD","\nCZECH REPUBLIC","\nTHAILAND","\nTIMOR ORIENTAL","\nTOGO","\nTONGA","\nTRINIDAD AND TOBAGO","\nTUNISIA","\nTURKMENISTAN","\nTURKEY","\nTUVALU","\nUKRAINE","\nURUGUAY","\nVANUATU","\nVATICAN","\nVENEZUELA","\nVIET-NAM","\nYEMEN","\nZAMBIA","\nZANZIBAR","\nZELAND","\nZIMBABWE","Item","Email","I have read and agree with the site's privacy policy of the website","Thank you for your interest! Your registration has been processed.","An error has occurred, please try again later.","fermer / close","","© 2024 Art Explora","Privacy Policy","","website accessibility"]}
Marseille Free admission
The programme in Marseille The village and its free exhibitions are open every day from 10am, with free access and no need to book. For the museum boat and virtual reality pavilion, if online reservations are full, come directly to the site to access them without reservation (subject to availability)!
The lively program is designed in collaboration with Martha Kirszenbaum curator of the Marseilles stage, as well as numerous local players.
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Past events Museum boat
All audiences
Aboard the museum boat Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Monday to Friday: 14:00 to 19:30, weekends: 10:00 to 19:30
If online reservations are fully booked, you can come directly to the event without a reservation (subject to availability)!
Discover 2 experiences on board: "Presents", the immersive exhibition with the exceptional collaboration of the Louvre Museum as well as the sound journey in the Mediterranean created by Ircam x Centre Pompidou. Sail by Laure Prouvost.
See more Marseille
Pavillon Central
All audiences
Under The Azure Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Under the Azure is an exhibition paying tribute to the Mediterranean Sea, to the imagery it evokes, to the awe it inspires, and to the ancient and contemporary myths associated with it.
See more Marseille
Photo Pavilion
All audiences
Undertow Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
This exhibition explores the Mediterranean in the context of migration and exile, highlighting the work of emerging photographers from the region.
See more Marseille
Out of doors
Cultural tour: Stamping card game for young audiences Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille France
Take part in the Art Explora children's competition and its 13 partner venues! Collect as many stamps as you can by visiting each of the Festival's partner cultural venues from June 6 to July 31, 2024.
See more Marseille
Virtual Reality Pavilion
All audiences
Journey through time and space Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
10:00 à 20:20
If online reservations are fully booked, you can come directly to the event without a reservation (subject to availability)!
Discover recent virtual reality creations connected to the themes of the Art Explora Festival: heritage, art culture, migrations...
See more Marseille
All audiences
Opening day Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Opening day of the Art Explora Festival in Marseille. At programme : official speeches, dancing, concerts and DJ set... Reservations are full, but access will be possible on site depending on capacity.
See more Marseille
There are no results for these criteria. Try changing your search
Art Explora Festival The Art Explora Festival is an itinerant festival that travels the world's seas and oceans with its museum ship, offering innovative artistic and cultural experiences free of charge. From spring 2024 to autumn 2026, the festival will travel to 15 Mediterranean countries for its first tour. In Marseilles, the festival has been approved as part of the programme Cultural Olympiad, an IOC initiative designed to highlight events with shared values between sport and culture.
Learn more
Practical information
Opening hours Le bateau-musée (Reservations required): Thursday June 6: 19:00 to 23:30; Monday to Friday: 14:00 to 19:30, weekends and Friday June 7: 10:00 to 19:30. Central and Photo Pavilions (free access subject to availability): Monday to Friday, 1:00 pm to 8:20 pm; weekends and Friday, June 7: 10:00 am to 8:20 pm. VR pavilion: same opening hours as central and photo pavilions, but booking is essential.
Address Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Accessibility The Festival site is equipped to accommodate people with reduced mobility. Wheelchairs for the sick or disabled are allowed inside the Pavilions and on board the boat. The boat is equipped with a 1m wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
Visitors' Charter
Resources Museum boat
All audiences
Festival Art Explora - Highlights from Marseille Mediterranean Crossed residencies
All audiences
All audiences
Marseille Voices Exhibition
All audiences
Visit booklet
Exhibition booklet UNDERTOW Exhibition
All audiences
Visit booklet
Under The Azure exhibition booklet Women artists
Museum boat
All audiences
Women in the Mediterranean
Present: works from the immersive exhibition Ocean Weekend
Seas & oceans
Educational booklet
The French coastline at risk from erosion and flooding Surfrider Foundation Europe
Guestbook A timeless moment on a magnificent boat. A beautiful alliance of art and the sea. An ode to the Mediterranean.
It was a great experience, and the volunteers were very welcoming. My daughters really enjoyed traveling through time in virtual reality. It's a pity there isn't a helmet suitable for smaller children without a controller. My 6-year-old son was unable to enjoy it. Fortunately, the organizers were nice and kept an eye on him while I was able to enjoy the experience. Thanks for the experience, I hope it will be repeated.
Great cultural experience on this magnificent catamaran. Very well organized, with very friendly guides. I was delighted to rediscover the sounds of the Mediterranean. Thank you for this wonderful experience, which is within everyone's reach. Too bad for the colleagues who couldn't get a place... the price of fame.
Very interesting visit to the museum boat, exhibition and virtual reality! Perfect welcome and great availability of volunteers and staff. Excellent visit! See you next year?
I took the 'Learn to film with your smartphone' workshop. Great workshop, I learned a lot. Thanks to Mouezi for this experience.
This festival is simply brilliant - I suggest it becomes a regular thing! Thank you for sharing and bringing us new knowledge.
Animation with the virtual reality headset is astounding: you'll discover monuments and landscapes of perfect reality!
Wonderful trip, I loved the audio experience. Bravo to the teams! And since I'd never been there before, the fact that it was free was a key factor.
A unique and accessible experience. A very pleasant moment of total immersion and zen.
A wonderful aural and visual experience, with poetic themes... and what a magnificent catamaran! Thank you for making this festival accessible to all!
The catamaran is wonderful, and the crew is helpful. An amazing experience, especially in the VR tunnel where you can see the light show. The immersive headphones provided English audio, so I felt included.
A fabulous experience from start to finish. The visit was extraordinary, and I really liked the immersion in the Louvre exhibition. We had chills down our spines. Bravo for this brilliant idea! The boat is magnificent and the team top-notch 😍.
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