","The artists","Partners","Frequently asked questions ","Is access to the boat free?","Yes, the boat is freely accessible on site. However, you can pre-book your time online on our website.","Is there a specific dress code for visiting the museum boat?","For reasons of safety and preservation of the boat, high heels and stilettos may not be worn on the boat.","How do I get on board the museum boat?","The museum boat is open to all free of charge. To find out on which quay it will be moored, or to pre-book your slot, consult the page dedicated to your town.","Is the museum boat accessible to people with reduced mobility?","Appropriate facilities have been set up on the Festival site for the reception and access of people with reduced mobility. The boat is equipped with a 1m-wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. However, the upper deck is not accessible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.","Art Explora Festival","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/643ff142b6e8666f40a08e8a_art_explora_festival_text_logo.svg","https://www.facebook.com/explora.art/","facebook","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/643ff43857e6ff64f7aff2b8_facebook_icon.svg","https://twitter.com/explora_art","twitter","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/643ff43cdb1e123f71f104bc_twitter_icon.svg","https://www.instagram.com/artexplorafestival/","instagram","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/643ff4392bd98d2caa7f9e63_instagram_icon.svg","https://www.tiktok.com/@artexplora","tiktok","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/643ff43a2873f7a2963a3e1b_tiktok_icon.svg","https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvorIqSdsAnvyTvNsXxG4Hw/featured","youtube","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/643ff43cad9d6ffa2389d5df_youtube_icon.svg","Make a donation","https://presse.rivacom.fr/fr/evenementiel/1557/art-explora-festival","Visit Art Explora Foundation The news Press room Our partners They talk about us ","Guestbook Newsletter Contact FAQ ","Plan your visit","https://assets-global.website-files.com/6107fc8664b5410e82635537/65f975738897288467f2bbd6_CHARTE%20DES%20VISITEURS%20ENG%20-%204.pdf","Tickets coming soon","Visitors' Charter","Resources","Get involved","Become a partner","Newsletter","Subscribe to the newsletter","Art Explora Newsletter\n","Subscribe to the monthly Art Explora newsletter to get the latest news on our projects! ","Volunteers art explora","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/610ec4f0c2d9c4fa969c02a9_benevoles3.webp","https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/610ec4f0c2d9c4fa969c02a9_benevoles3-p-500.webp 500w, https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/61041f4bf3ea4c5aad32e9e8/610ec4f0c2d9c4fa969c02a9_benevoles3.webp 1232w","First name","Surname","Country","FRANCE","AFGHANISTAN","\nSOUTH AFRICA","\nALBANIA","\nALGERIA","\nGERMANY","\nANDORRA","\nANGOLA","\nANTIGUA AND BARBUDA","\nSAUDI ARABIA","\nARGENTINA","\nARMENIA","\nAUSTRALIA","\nAUSTRIA","\nAZERBAIDJAN","\nBAHAMAS","\nBAHRAIN","\nBANGLADESH","\nBARBADE","\nBELGIUM","\nBELIZE","\nBHUTAN","\nBIELORUSSIA","\nBURMA","\nBOLIVIA","\nBOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA","\nBOTSWANA","\nBRAZIL","\nBRUNEI","\nBULGARIA","\nBURKINA","\nBURUNDI","\nCAMBODIA","\nCAMEROON","\nCANADA","\nCAPE VERDE","\nCHILE","\nCHINA","\nCYPRUS","\nCOLOMBIA","\nCOMOROS","\nCONGO","\nCOOK ISLANDS","\nNORTH KOREA","\nSOUTH KOREA","\nCOSTA RICA","\nIVORY COAST","\nCROATIA","\nCUBA","\nDENMARK","\nDJIBOUTI","\nDOMINIQUE","\nEGYPT","\nUNITED ARAB EMIRATES","\nECUADOR","\nERYTHREE","\nSPAIN","\nESTONIA","\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA","\nETHIOPIA","\nFIDJI","\nFINLAND","\nFRANCE","\nGABON","\nGAMBIA","\nGEORGIA","\nGHANA","\nGREECE","\nGRENADA","\nGROENLAND","\nGUATEMALA","\nGUINEA","\nGUINEA BISSAU","\nEQUATORIAL GUINEA","\nGUYANA","\nHAITI","\nHONDURAS","\nHONG-KONG","\nHUNGARY","\nHONK-KONG","\nINDIA","\nINDONESIA","\nIRAQ","\nIRAN","\nIRELAND","\nICELAND","\nISRAEL","\nITALY","\nJAMAICA","\nJAPAN","\nJORDAN","\nKAZAKHSTAN","\nKENYA","\nKIRGHIZISTAN","\nKIRIBATI","\nKOSOVO","\nKOWEIT","\nLAOS","\nLESOTHO","\nLATVIA","\nLEBANON","\nLIBERIA","\nLIBYA","\nLIECHTENSTEIN","\nLITHUANIA","\nLUXEMBOURG","\nNorthern Macedonia","\nMADAGASCAR","\nMALAYSIA","\nMALAWI","\nMALDIVES","\nMALI","\nMALTA","\nMOROCCO","\nMARSHALL ISLANDS","\nMAURICE","\nMAURITANIA","\nMEXICO","\nMICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF)","\nMOLDAVIA","\nMONACO","\nMONGOLIA","\nMONTENEGRO","\nMOZAMBIQUE","\nNAMIBIA","\nNAURU","\nNEPAL","\nNICARAGUA","\nNIGER","\nNIGERIA","\nNIUE","\nNORWAY","\nNEW ZEALAND","\nOMAN","\nUGANDA","\nUZBEKISTAN","\nPAKISTAN","\nPALAOS","\nPALESTINE","\nPANAMA","\nPAPUA NEW GUINEA","\nPARAGUAY","\nNETHERLANDS","\nPERU","\nPHILIPPINES","\nPOLAND","\nPORTO RICO","\nPORTUGAL","\nQATAR","\nROMANIA","\nUNITED KINGDOM","\nRUSSIA","\nRWANDA","\nSAINT-CHRISTOPHE-ET-NIEVES","\nSAINTE-LUCIE","\nSAINT-MARIN","\nSAINT-VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES","\nSALOMON","\nSALVADOR","\nSAO TOME AND PRINCIPE","\nSENEGAL","\nSERBIA","\nSeychelles","\nSIERRA-LEONE","\nSINGAPORE","\nSLOVAKIA","\nSLOVENIA","\nSOMALIA","\nSUDAN","\nSRI-LANKA","\nSWEDEN","\nSWITZERLAND","\nSURINAM","\nSWAZILAND","\nSYRIA","\nTADJIKISTAN","\nTAIWAN","\nTANZANIA","\nCHAD","\nCZECH REPUBLIC","\nTHAILAND","\nTIMOR ORIENTAL","\nTOGO","\nTONGA","\nTRINIDAD AND TOBAGO","\nTUNISIA","\nTURKMENISTAN","\nTURKEY","\nTUVALU","\nUKRAINE","\nURUGUAY","\nVANUATU","\nVATICAN","\nVENEZUELA","\nVIET-NAM","\nYEMEN","\nZAMBIA","\nZANZIBAR","\nZELAND","\nZIMBABWE","Item","Email","I have read and agree with the site's privacy policy of the website","Thank you for your interest! 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Original Rockerz - Pratiques libres 'Marseille fait son show': Talent interskool kidz hip-hop Performance
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Kidz-18 competition in Hip-hop Breaking, bringing together the vast majority of schools in the region to create their own regional competition.
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Original Rockerz - Pratiques libres 'Marseille fait son show' : Talent foot freestyle Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Come and touch the ball at La Marseillaise! Freestyle soccer contest open to all, accompanied by professionals.
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Original Rockerz - Pratiques libres 'Marseille fait son show': Talent interskool kidz hip-hop Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Kidz-18 competition in Hip-hop Breaking, bringing together the vast majority of schools in the region to create their own regional competition.
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Original Rockerz - Pratiques libres 'Marseille fait son show' : Talent rap Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Tremplin Rap, culture, widespread in Marseille, open to all to let them take the Mic.
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Original Rockerz -Pratiques libres 'Marseille fait son show' : Talent Stand-up Vieux-Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
TALENT STAND UP: an eloquence platform open to all, featuring tomorrow's talent from Marseilles, accompanied by professional comedians.
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The Original Rockerz structure specializes in urban cultures and in particular Breaking, now an Olympic discipline for Paris 2024.It has become an FFD PARIS2024 referent structure in the South of France. Zenasni Mohand & Fathi Benjilali, multiple champions in the discipline, have been labeled IMPACT24 & Cultural Olympiads for the Olympics, notably with the MONDIAL DU BREAKING, attracting over 7,000 people to the Palais des Sports in Marseille!
Practical information Address Vieux Port - Quai de la Fraternité, Marseille, France
Dates and times Wednesday, June 12, 3:00 to 4:00 pm
Visit itinerary No reservation required, subject to availability
Immersive exhibition "Présentes Created with the exceptional collaboration of the Musée du Louvre, this exhibition highlights female figures in Mediterranean civilization, thanks to the digitization and modeling of part of the Louvre's collections. A two-stage experience: an introductory film to provide context, followed by an immersive experience in a 16-meter-long tunnel covered by 120 m2 of LED screens.
Discover the exhibition
A sound journey through the Mediterranean An immersive sound experience designed by Ircam, inviting the public to explore the richness and diversity of the Mediterranean through headphones equipped with spatialized sound.
Discover sound travel © Elisa Von Brockdorff
Frequently asked questions Is access to the boat free?
Yes, the boat is freely accessible on site. However, you can pre-book your time online on our website.
Is there a specific dress code for visiting the museum boat?
For reasons of safety and preservation of the boat, high heels and stilettos may not be worn on the boat.
How do I get on board the museum boat?
The museum boat is open to all free of charge. To find out on which quay it will be moored, or to pre-book your slot, consult the page dedicated to your town.
Is the museum boat accessible to people with reduced mobility?
Appropriate facilities have been set up on the Festival site for the reception and access of people with reduced mobility. The boat is equipped with a 1m-wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. However, the upper deck is not accessible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
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