Concert La Madalena ( by Alain Weber)

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Manu Théron has set to music "La Cantilène de Sancta Maria Magdalena", the score of which was lost over two centuries ago. This composition, inspired by testimonies collected since the end of the 19th century, has enabled this archaic song to reconnect with popular devotion to Madalena, a timeless figure in Provence's Phocaean city, and to free itself from the uniformity of Catholic dogma that had once proscribed it.

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Manu Théron discovered singing in Italy and Bulgaria, while working with traditional musicians. Determined to re-anchor Occitan singing in its Mediterranean horizon, he founded Gacha Empega, then Lo Còr de la Plana, imagining a role for polyphony in the service of a renewed Occitan culture. This is what he strives to promote in numerous projects, both on stage and in his teaching. Manu Théron is not only a singer and creator, but also a programmer for Marseille's Cité de la Musique.

Entrusted to a women's choir, formerly performed by canons of Marseille Cathedral, Madalena is an exhilarating celebration of femininity and the pleasure of singing. Inspired by Arab zajal, Madalena is part of the dynamic of Mediterranean spiritual folk music. Alternating repetition, scansion and exchanges between chorus and soli, the adaptation is an ode to life, emancipation and the reunion of earthly pleasures and divine love.

Practical information


Église Saint-Férreol les Augustins, 1 quai des belges, Marseille, France


Dates and times

Tuesday, June 11, 7:30 to 8:30 pm


Visit itinerary

No reservation required, subject to availability


Immersive exhibition "Présentes

Created with the exceptional collaboration of the Musée du Louvre, this exhibition highlights female figures in Mediterranean civilization, thanks to the digitization and modeling of part of the Louvre's collections. A two-stage experience: an introductory film to provide context, followed by an immersive experience in a 16-meter-long tunnel covered by 120 m2 of LED screens.

Discover the exhibition

A sound journey through the Mediterranean

An immersive sound experience designed by Ircam, inviting the public to explore the richness and diversity of the Mediterranean through headphones equipped with spatialized sound.

Discover sound travel

© Elisa Von Brockdorff

The artists

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Frequently asked questions

Is access to the boat free?

Yes, the boat is freely accessible on site. However, you can pre-book your time online on our website.

Is there a specific dress code for visiting the museum boat?

For reasons of safety and preservation of the boat, high heels and stilettos may not be worn on the boat.

How do I get on board the museum boat?

The museum boat is open to all free of charge. To find out on which quay it will be moored, or to pre-book your slot, consult the page dedicated to your town.

Is the museum boat accessible to people with reduced mobility?

Appropriate facilities have been set up on the Festival site for the reception and access of people with reduced mobility. The boat is equipped with a 1m-wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. However, the upper deck is not accessible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.