Co-production: ARTE France. Executive producer: Oriane Hurard. Original author: Arnold Böcklin. Sound engineer: Xavier Thibault. Scriptwriters: Benjamin Nuel, Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat. Voice: André Wilms. Music composer: Sergei Rachmaninov. Art director: Hugo Arcier. Graphic designer: Robin Maulet. Narration: André Wilms, Richard Doust.","Practical information","","Address","","Accessibility","The Virtual Reality Pavilion is accessible to people with reduced mobility.","","Dates and times","The \"Isle of the Dead\" experience lasts 8 minutes.","","Safety","There are no specific safety constraints to consider when visiting the Virtual Reality Pavilion. We ensure that the environment is safe and comfortable for all participants.","","Visit itinerary","The visit to the Virtual Reality Pavilion is done in scheduled sessions at specific times. Upon arrival, you will be greeted and guided to your virtual reality session. You will be provided with a virtual reality headset and guided throughout the experience.","EXPERIENCES On board ",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2500w",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2500w","Immersive exhibition \"Présentes","Created in exceptional collaboration with the Musée du Louvre, this exhibition offers a reflection on the role and representation of female figures in the Mediterranean world, through an educational and sensory experience based on digital audiovisual technologies. The exhibition is divided into two parts:","An educational documentary on the aft deck","An immersive exhibition at the heart of the catamaran","Discover the exhibition","A sound journey in the Mediterranean by Ircam","Through a Sound Odyssey, Ircam and Ircam Amplify invite visitors to explore the sensations of the Mediterranean and discover new soundscapes, both imaginary and real.","Discover sound travel",""," 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2500w","© Elisa Von Brockdorff ","The artists","Partners","Frequently asked questions ","Is access to the boat free?","Yes, the boat is freely accessible on site. However, you can pre-book your time online on our website.","Is there a specific dress code for visiting the museum boat?","For reasons of safety and preservation of the boat, high heels and stilettos may not be worn on the boat.","How do I get on board the museum boat?","The museum boat is open to all free of charge. To find out on which quay it will be moored, or to pre-book your slot, consult the page dedicated to your town.","Is the museum boat accessible to people with reduced mobility?","Appropriate facilities have been set up on the Festival site for the reception and access of people with reduced mobility. The boat is equipped with a 1m-wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. However, the upper deck is not accessible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.","Art Explora Festival","","","facebook","","","twitter","","","instagram","","","tiktok","","","youtube","","Make a donation","","Visit Art Explora Foundation The news Press room Our partners They talk about us ","Guestbook Newsletter Contact FAQ ","Plan your visit","","Tickets coming soon","Visitors' Charter","Resources","Get involved","Newsletter","Subscribe to the newsletter","Art Explora Newsletter\n","Subscribe to the monthly Art Explora newsletter to get the latest news on our projects! ","Volunteers art explora",""," 500w, 1232w","First name","Surname","Country","FRANCE","AFGHANISTAN","\nSOUTH AFRICA","\nALBANIA","\nALGERIA","\nGERMANY","\nANDORRA","\nANGOLA","\nANTIGUA AND BARBUDA","\nSAUDI ARABIA","\nARGENTINA","\nARMENIA","\nAUSTRALIA","\nAUSTRIA","\nAZERBAIDJAN","\nBAHAMAS","\nBAHRAIN","\nBANGLADESH","\nBARBADE","\nBELGIUM","\nBELIZE","\nBHUTAN","\nBIELORUSSIA","\nBURMA","\nBOLIVIA","\nBOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA","\nBOTSWANA","\nBRAZIL","\nBRUNEI","\nBULGARIA","\nBURKINA","\nBURUNDI","\nCAMBODIA","\nCAMEROON","\nCANADA","\nCAPE VERDE","\nCHILE","\nCHINA","\nCYPRUS","\nCOLOMBIA","\nCOMOROS","\nCONGO","\nCOOK ISLANDS","\nNORTH KOREA","\nSOUTH KOREA","\nCOSTA RICA","\nIVORY COAST","\nCROATIA","\nCUBA","\nDENMARK","\nDJIBOUTI","\nDOMINIQUE","\nEGYPT","\nUNITED ARAB EMIRATES","\nECUADOR","\nERYTHREE","\nSPAIN","\nESTONIA","\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA","\nETHIOPIA","\nFIDJI","\nFINLAND","\nFRANCE","\nGABON","\nGAMBIA","\nGEORGIA","\nGHANA","\nGREECE","\nGRENADA","\nGROENLAND","\nGUATEMALA","\nGUINEA","\nGUINEA BISSAU","\nEQUATORIAL GUINEA","\nGUYANA","\nHAITI","\nHONDURAS","\nHONG-KONG","\nHUNGARY","\nHONK-KONG","\nINDIA","\nINDONESIA","\nIRAQ","\nIRAN","\nIRELAND","\nICELAND","\nISRAEL","\nITALY","\nJAMAICA","\nJAPAN","\nJORDAN","\nKAZAKHSTAN","\nKENYA","\nKIRGHIZISTAN","\nKIRIBATI","\nKOSOVO","\nKOWEIT","\nLAOS","\nLESOTHO","\nLATVIA","\nLEBANON","\nLIBERIA","\nLIBYA","\nLIECHTENSTEIN","\nLITHUANIA","\nLUXEMBOURG","\nNorthern Macedonia","\nMADAGASCAR","\nMALAYSIA","\nMALAWI","\nMALDIVES","\nMALI","\nMALTA","\nMOROCCO","\nMARSHALL ISLANDS","\nMAURICE","\nMAURITANIA","\nMEXICO","\nMICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF)","\nMOLDAVIA","\nMONACO","\nMONGOLIA","\nMONTENEGRO","\nMOZAMBIQUE","\nNAMIBIA","\nNAURU","\nNEPAL","\nNICARAGUA","\nNIGER","\nNIGERIA","\nNIUE","\nNORWAY","\nNEW ZEALAND","\nOMAN","\nUGANDA","\nUZBEKISTAN","\nPAKISTAN","\nPALAOS","\nPALESTINE","\nPANAMA","\nPAPUA NEW GUINEA","\nPARAGUAY","\nNETHERLANDS","\nPERU","\nPHILIPPINES","\nPOLAND","\nPORTO RICO","\nPORTUGAL","\nQATAR","\nROMANIA","\nUNITED KINGDOM","\nRUSSIA","\nRWANDA","\nSAINT-CHRISTOPHE-ET-NIEVES","\nSAINTE-LUCIE","\nSAINT-MARIN","\nSAINT-VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES","\nSALOMON","\nSALVADOR","\nSAO TOME AND PRINCIPE","\nSENEGAL","\nSERBIA","\nSeychelles","\nSIERRA-LEONE","\nSINGAPORE","\nSLOVAKIA","\nSLOVENIA","\nSOMALIA","\nSUDAN","\nSRI-LANKA","\nSWEDEN","\nSWITZERLAND","\nSURINAM","\nSWAZILAND","\nSYRIA","\nTADJIKISTAN","\nTAIWAN","\nTANZANIA","\nCHAD","\nCZECH REPUBLIC","\nTHAILAND","\nTIMOR ORIENTAL","\nTOGO","\nTONGA","\nTRINIDAD AND TOBAGO","\nTUNISIA","\nTURKMENISTAN","\nTURKEY","\nTUVALU","\nUKRAINE","\nURUGUAY","\nVANUATU","\nVATICAN","\nVENEZUELA","\nVIET-NAM","\nYEMEN","\nZAMBIA","\nZANZIBAR","\nZELAND","\nZIMBABWE","Item","Email","I have read and agree with the site's privacy policy of the website","Thank you for your interest! Your registration has been processed.","An error has occurred, please try again later.","fermer / close","","© 2024 Art Explora","Privacy Policy","","website accessibility"]}
Island of the Dead Virtual Reality Pavilion
A journey out of time, from an ordinary apartment to our final destination, guided by Charon, the smuggler of the Underworld. The horizon is the same for everyone, immutable, inevitable. The question is, in all times, in all civilizations, always the same: what is there after? Is there only something?
Island of the dead
Island of the Dead is a free adaptation of Arnold Böcklin's 1883 painting of the same name. More famous than its painter, the painting or its reproduction can be found in the homes of Freud, Lenin and Hitler. Generations of artists have drawn inspiration from it, including Dali, Chirico and Sergei Rachmaninov, whose symphonic poem based on the painting forms the film's soundtrack.
Les Produits Frais
Les Produits Frais
Production: Les Produits Frais Co-production: ARTE France. Executive producer: Oriane Hurard. Original author: Arnold Böcklin. Sound engineer: Xavier Thibault. Scriptwriters: Benjamin Nuel, Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat. Voice: André Wilms. Music composer: Sergei Rachmaninov. Art director: Hugo Arcier. Graphic designer: Robin Maulet. Narration: André Wilms, Richard Doust.
Practical information Accessibility The Virtual Reality Pavilion is accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Dates and times The "Isle of the Dead" experience lasts 8 minutes.
Safety There are no specific safety constraints to consider when visiting the Virtual Reality Pavilion. We ensure that the environment is safe and comfortable for all participants.
Visit itinerary The visit to the Virtual Reality Pavilion is done in scheduled sessions at specific times. Upon arrival, you will be greeted and guided to your virtual reality session. You will be provided with a virtual reality headset and guided throughout the experience.
Immersive exhibition "Présentes Created in exceptional collaboration with the Musée du Louvre, this exhibition offers a reflection on the role and representation of female figures in the Mediterranean world, through an educational and sensory experience based on digital audiovisual technologies. The exhibition is divided into two parts:
An educational documentary on the aft deck An immersive exhibition at the heart of the catamaran Discover the exhibition
A sound journey in the Mediterranean by Ircam Through a Sound Odyssey, Ircam and Ircam Amplify invite visitors to explore the sensations of the Mediterranean and discover new soundscapes, both imaginary and real.
Discover sound travel © Elisa Von Brockdorff
Frequently asked questions Is access to the boat free?
Yes, the boat is freely accessible on site. However, you can pre-book your time online on our website.
Is there a specific dress code for visiting the museum boat?
For reasons of safety and preservation of the boat, high heels and stilettos may not be worn on the boat.
How do I get on board the museum boat?
The museum boat is open to all free of charge. To find out on which quay it will be moored, or to pre-book your slot, consult the page dedicated to your town.
Is the museum boat accessible to people with reduced mobility?
Appropriate facilities have been set up on the Festival site for the reception and access of people with reduced mobility. The boat is equipped with a 1m-wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. However, the upper deck is not accessible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
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