Virtual Reality Pavilion

Humanity’s first masterpiece was created 36,000 years ago in Ardèche, France. Within Chauvet Cave lies thousands of drawings - traces of our past - enclosed forever. The Dawn of Art is a VR experience, including both an immersive film and a virtual visit of the cave that invites you to meet your prehistoric ancestors, the first humans who ventured in a deep subterranean world and left their marks preserved on the walls.

Accessibility :
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Atlas V.

The dawn of art

"L'aube de l'art" is a virtual reality experience on the "Chauvet" cave, a UNESCO World Heritage site in France. The Chauvet cave, whose discovery in 1994 is considered one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century. This VR experience includes both an immersive film and a virtual tour of the cave. A beautiful, poetic story lets you discover the daily life of prehistoric man. Discover like never before the cave paintings of the largest mammal species. In the Chauvet cave, 1,000 drawings adorn the walls of a cavity closed forever.


Narrators: Daisy Ridley, Cécile de France.
Project Director: Olivier Train.
Scientific advisor: David Huguet.
Production: Atlas V. In partnership with Novelab, Google Arts & Culture. In collaboration with : Syndicat Mixte Espace de Restitution de la Grotte Chauvet- Pont d'Arc, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cinéma - Le Lab.
Artistic Direction - 3D Artists: Arthur Maugendre, Anthony Rubier, Timothée Marnat, Raphael Chevalier, Victor Chassaigne, Mélanie Schwartz.

Atlas V.

Practical information



The Virtual Reality Pavilion is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Dates and times

The experiment lasts 8 minutes.


There are no specific safety constraints to consider when visiting the Virtual Reality Pavilion. We ensure that the environment is safe and comfortable for all participants.

Visit itinerary

The visit to the Virtual Reality Pavilion is done in scheduled sessions at specific times. Upon arrival, you will be greeted and guided to your virtual reality session. You will be provided with a virtual reality headset and guided throughout the experience.


Immersive exhibition "Présentes

Created in exceptional collaboration with the Musée du Louvre, this exhibition offers a reflection on the role and representation of female figures in the Mediterranean world, through an educational and sensory experience based on digital audiovisual technologies. The exhibition is divided into two parts:

  • An educational documentary on the aft deck
  • An immersive exhibition at the heart of the catamaran
Discover the exhibition

A sound journey in the Mediterranean by Ircam

Through a Sound Odyssey, Ircam and Ircam Amplify invite visitors to explore the sensations of the Mediterranean and discover new soundscapes, both imaginary and real.

Discover sound travel

© Elisa Von Brockdorff

The artists

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Frequently asked questions

Is access to the boat free?

Yes, the boat is freely accessible on site. However, you can pre-book your time online on our website.

Is there a specific dress code for visiting the museum boat?

For reasons of safety and preservation of the boat, high heels and stilettos may not be worn on the boat.

How do I get on board the museum boat?

The museum boat is open to all free of charge. To find out on which quay it will be moored, or to pre-book your slot, consult the page dedicated to your town.

Is the museum boat accessible to people with reduced mobility?

Appropriate facilities have been set up on the Festival site for the reception and access of people with reduced mobility. The boat is equipped with a 1m-wide ramp, accessible to people with reduced mobility, but may require the accompaniment of a third party due to its gradient of over 6%. Access to the aft deck and immersive exhibition is possible. However, the upper deck is not accessible. Please inform us in advance of any special accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.