Art in nursing homes with Allô Miró


The Allô Miró initiative

The Allô Miró initiative offers volunteers the chance to have a conversation with EHPAD residents about a work of art. 

The aim is to offer a human exchange that starts with an artistic exchange around a work that you are passionate about and that you choose beforehand.

Sessions can be held by videoconference, telephone or face-to-face, depending on your availability and that of the EHPAD.

Created in January 2021, the Allô Miró initiative already includes nearly 25 participating EHPADs with over 270 sessions carried out, 70 volunteers involved and 150 residents reached.

programme Allô Miró is generously supported by Korian. 

The volunteer mission

We invite you to join the volunteers already involved in this initiative and sign up for a 30-45 minute session with one or more EHPAD residents.

You'll talk to him/her about a work of art you've chosen: we'll suggest a selection of works and associated texts if you wish, otherwise you're totally free to talk about whatever interests you. You'll then have time to discuss the work and the art, or any other subject you feel is relevant. These conversations are not art history courses, nor are they presented as such at the EHPAD: they are a free, human exchange between art enthusiasts and residents. 

The sessions will also be guided by a format that will be communicated to you in advance, to support you in this mission.

With the support of