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Marion Viola - Art Explora

On Saturday June 24 and Sunday June 25, the artist residences on the Montmartre site of the Cité Internationale des Arts opened their doors to the public for a moment of sharing and encounters around art.  

From 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm, visitors were able to visit the artists' studios, discover their creations and chat with them, as well as attend performances (Leonce Noah on Saturday and Dale Blackheart on Sunday), listen to readings (Alex Baczynski-Jenkins & Diamond Stingily), take part in discussions (Iman Issa - Marcella Lista & Karan Shrestha - Nolwen Vouiller) and enjoy the garden and spaces in the heart of Paris.

In the presence of the artists:

Art Explora x Cité internationale des arts: Bora Baboci, Alex Baczynski-Jenkins, Iman Issa, Lina Laraki, Gabriel Massan, Pakui Hardware, Kirill Savchenkov, Karan Shrestha, Diamond Stingily

Programme 2-12 Cité internationale des Arts : Dale Blackheart, Capucine Brice, Sarah Caillard, Emma Charin, Paula Valero Comín, Chương-Đài Võ with Frédéric Dialynas Sanchez, Camille Fischer, Danah Garii, Karla Hiraldo Voleau, Mohamed Ismaël Louati, Nicolas Maigret, Léonce Noah, Min Oh, Alireza Shojaian, Ana Tamayo, Ornela Vorpsi

Académie des beaux-arts x Cité internationale des arts: My-Lan Hoang-Thuy, Frédéric Malette, Ludovic Nkoth, Jake Troyli

Here's a look back at these artistic and summery encounters:

Marion Viola - Art Explora

Marion Viola - Art Explora

Maurine Tric Adagp, Paris 2023

Ludovic Fleury - Art Explora
Maurine Tric Adagp, Paris 2023

Maurine Tric Adagp, Paris 2023
Maurine Tric Adagp, Paris 2023
Maurine Tric Adagp, Paris 2023
Maurine Tric Adagp, Paris 2023
Maurine Tric Adagp, Paris 2023