Take part in Arts & Publics! on December 12 at the Institut de France

As part of the fourth edition of Award Art Explora - Académie des beaux-arts, and in partnership with NewsTank Culture, the foundation welcomes you to its annual international event, Arts and Audiences!
Designed to shed light on contemporary issues relating to audience participation, this major event will be an opportunity to share innovative practices for renewing the dialogue between the arts and audiences.
At programme :
- 6:00 pm: Debate "Culture: a tool for social cohesion?
Culture as a factor of social cohesion in a society losing its bearings? When social and educational action and institutions reach their limits, should we call on culture, artists and cultural structures to unite our society?
Culture cannot be instrumentalized: it is neither an alternative nor a rescue. It is a foundation, unfortunately all too often neglected: the very cement of any community, the building block of the social bond based on shared values.
It's true that art challenges, questions and sometimes challenges certainties, appearances and the established order. But because it develops critical awareness and provokes attention to others and their environment, it awakens and fosters autonomy, and this is ultimately the very substance of its "added value": individual and collective emancipation go hand in hand.
The many initiatives and projects undertaken by artists and cultural managers bear witness to this more and better than any discourse. Cultural action in disadvantaged neighborhoods or rural areas, integration of migrants and intercultural dialogue, inclusion of people in confined environments or in situations of social exclusion - examples abound, and with them their relevance and effectiveness on those who benefit from them, whether or not they are a quantitatively restricted group.
But beyond the "target" populations, it's the whole of society that is concerned, since individual withdrawal, inequality and populist temptation can sometimes appear to be so much recourse, whereas they only accentuate fractures. Society needs the creative talents of culture, and the exceptional heritage it represents, if it is to (re)set itself in motion, pacify conflicts, and succeed in the essential ecological and digital transformations it faces.
Yes, more than ever, culture is essential.
- 7:30 pm: Presentation of the Award European Art Explora - Académie des beaux-arts 2023 award
Open to all European cultural organizations, from all artistic sectors, Award supports innovative practices in audience access, participation and engagement that can be shared across Europe.
19 projects were pre-selected by a jury of Foundation volunteers, divided into 3 categories according to annual income. For the European Art Explora Prize - Académie des beaux-arts, 3 awards of €50,000 each and a €10,000 public prize will be awarded to support the most innovative practices.
The Award European award ceremony will be hosted by Frédéric Jousset, founder of Art Explora, and Laurent Petitgirard, composer and perpetual secretary ofAcadémie des beaux-arts.
- 8:00 pm: Cocktail reception
Practical information:
December 12, 2023
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Institut de France, Paris